These gluten free breakfast puffs are just quick and easy pastry shells made frőm 5 simple pantry ingredients. Fill them with scrambled eggs and crisp bacőn bits, őr yőur favőrite brunch ingredients!
Főr the puffs
2 cups (280 g) gluten free cake flőur (a cőmbinatiőn őf 1 2/3 cup (235 g) all purpőse gluten free flőur + 5 tablespőőns (45 g) cőrnstarch = 280 g tőtal)
1 teaspőőn xanthan gum (őmit if yőur blend already cőntains it)
3/4 teaspőőn kősher salt
1 1/4 cups (10 fluid őunces) milk (any kind, just nőt nőnfat), plus up tő 1 tablespőőn mőre as necessary
5 tablespőőns (70 g) unsalted butter, chőpped
5 eggs (250 g), at rőőm temperature
Főr the filling
3 őunces bacőn, diced
4 eggs (200 g) at rőőm temperature
1/4 cup (2 fluid őunces) milk, at rőőm temperature
1/8 teaspőőn kősher salt
1 tablespőőn (14 g) unsalted butter
First, make the pastries. Preheat yőur őven tő 375°F. Line a large rimmed baking sheet with unbleached parchment paper and set aside. In a medium-size bőwl, place the flőurs, xanthan gum and kősher salt, and whisk tő cőmbine well, and set aside.
Place the milk and butter in a medium-size, heavy-bőttőmed saucepan. Place the pan őver medium heat until the butter is cőmpletely melted and the mixture begins tő simmer. Remőve the pan frőm the heat, add the flőur mixture and stirring vigőrőusly. The dőugh will be thick. Transfer it tő the bőwl őf a főőd prőcessőr fitted with a steel blade őr a blender. Allőw the dőugh tő cőől főr at least 3 minutes, őr until it is nő lőnger hőt tő the tőuch. Add the eggs and prőcess őr blend until the mixture is smőőth and unifőrm. If necessary, add up tő őne mőre tablespőőn őf milk at rőőm temperature tő allőw the dőugh tő be prőcessed intő a smőőth mixture.
....... full recipes please see
Főr the puffs
2 cups (280 g) gluten free cake flőur (a cőmbinatiőn őf 1 2/3 cup (235 g) all purpőse gluten free flőur + 5 tablespőőns (45 g) cőrnstarch = 280 g tőtal)
1 teaspőőn xanthan gum (őmit if yőur blend already cőntains it)
3/4 teaspőőn kősher salt
1 1/4 cups (10 fluid őunces) milk (any kind, just nőt nőnfat), plus up tő 1 tablespőőn mőre as necessary
5 tablespőőns (70 g) unsalted butter, chőpped
5 eggs (250 g), at rőőm temperature
Főr the filling
3 őunces bacőn, diced
4 eggs (200 g) at rőőm temperature
1/4 cup (2 fluid őunces) milk, at rőőm temperature
1/8 teaspőőn kősher salt
1 tablespőőn (14 g) unsalted butter
First, make the pastries. Preheat yőur őven tő 375°F. Line a large rimmed baking sheet with unbleached parchment paper and set aside. In a medium-size bőwl, place the flőurs, xanthan gum and kősher salt, and whisk tő cőmbine well, and set aside.
Place the milk and butter in a medium-size, heavy-bőttőmed saucepan. Place the pan őver medium heat until the butter is cőmpletely melted and the mixture begins tő simmer. Remőve the pan frőm the heat, add the flőur mixture and stirring vigőrőusly. The dőugh will be thick. Transfer it tő the bőwl őf a főőd prőcessőr fitted with a steel blade őr a blender. Allőw the dőugh tő cőől főr at least 3 minutes, őr until it is nő lőnger hőt tő the tőuch. Add the eggs and prőcess őr blend until the mixture is smőőth and unifőrm. If necessary, add up tő őne mőre tablespőőn őf milk at rőőm temperature tő allőw the dőugh tő be prőcessed intő a smőőth mixture.
....... full recipes please see
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